Yes, I know it is mid November and I am now just posting Halloween pictures! We had a fun Halloween. The Sunday before we went to our church's Trunk-or-Treat. There was a fire truck there so Daniel was able to get up inside and sit in the driver's seat. Very appropriate since he was dressed as a fireman! That week we carved our pumpkins and roasted pumpkin seeds. We made salty and sweet seeds. Oh so yummy! We still have a couple pumpkins that I am using for Thanksgiving decor that we will be able to get the seeds from next week and enjoy! We took Daniel and Alayna trick-or-treating to a few houses in the neighborhood. Daniel did great this year going up to the door and saying trick-or-treat and thank you. Alayna was also brave enough to walk up to the door. She held a piece of candy in her had the entire time, and each time she would go up to the door, she would either try to give her candy to the person handing out the candy or drop it for another piece. Too bad she doesn't get to eat any of it! Thanks Alayna! ;-) They were both so cute dressed up. We had a lot of fun!
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