It snowed!!!!! Yea!!! It started Wed. night while we were at music practice. When we left practice Daniel was so excited! He squealed, "Hey snow, don't fall on my head! Hey silly snow, what'cha doing?" When we returned home, Daniel and I played outside until 10:00! We made a little snowman and threw snowballs at each other. Actually, I made the snowballs for Daniel to throw at me. Neighbors probably thought I was a terrible mother playing outside so late! But I was afraid the snow would be gone the next day. That night, I took a walk at midnight. It was snowing big snowflakes and the street was covered with snow. I love walking in the snow and hearing it crunch. It was so peaceful out there! Well, lucky for us, it was still there in the morning even though it had started to rain. We played outside in the snow for quite a while! We made two snowmen, one little and one big. I made the three big snowballs for the big snowman with Daniel, but we needed Brian to put it together because since it had rained, they were more like snow and ice balls which made them extremely heavy!! And yes, those are Tootsie Roll Pops for the eyes, nose and mouth. Since it was so icy, nothing would stick, so we needed something we could stick into the ice. I just happened to have some pops left from Halloween! :-) We came inside and had some hot chocolate. Yummy!!! What a treat the snow was for South Carolina! Not having cold weather and snow down here is hard!! So I thanked God for the snow a lot that day!!! It was so exciting to see how much fun Daniel was having!! We had a blast! Yea snow!