Daniel and Alayna went to their first football game today. Brian's new group at work went to the Clemson game today. We were trying to decide if we should take Daniel or not, but decided that he would probably enjoy it. People down here are fanatical about Clemson, so we thought we would see what all the hype is about. Well, getting us all packed and there was no small feat. We arrived well before the game started, but by the time diapers were changed multiple times and Alayna was fed, we didn't arrive in the stadium until partway into the 1st quarter. Our seats were just about in the last row of the stadium, so our legs were burning by the time we reached our seats! Daniel did quite well. It was so hot; not my idea of football weather, but he was a trooper! It was so cute watching him try to use the binoculars! He also kept saying that he wanted to go down and play football with the players! Alayna was very content attached to me in the sling. I love baby wearing! I wish I would have known more about it when Daniel was an infant! Overall, it was a nice family outing. It was very strange though going to a game for a team of which I am not a fan. I could have tolerated the heat if it was an OSU game, but not a sea of orange.... It did however cause me to miss college just a bit. I all of a sudden felt a little old going to a college game with two children! :-)
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