Happy Halloween! I am going to have the sweetest Halloween with my two little pumpkins! Last night we carved our pumpkin so that we could enjoy it all day. Daniel had a lot of fun cleaning out the pumpkin. We were wondering how he would react since he doesn't like "yucky" stuff on his hands but he did a great job! He was very enthusiastic at first, but then lost interest and just wanted to play, so Brian and I finished it up. I made some hot apple cider and roasted the pumpkin seeds. One batch was the typical salted variety and the other batch was made with sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg. Yummy! Those are Brian's favorites. Tonight we will watch It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown and then go trick-or-treating at a few neighbors homes. We will go early to hopefully miss any scary costumes! He'll have fun giving away the candy tonight too! On Sunday our church had Trunk-or-Treat where the small groups decorate a car with a theme and a game for the children. Daniel had fun playing the games and getting candy. He doesn't know that you are supposed to eat the candy. He just likes to play with it in his little pumpkin! It is so cute! I just really don't want to introduce candy just yet. He is totally fine without it! I am sure it will come soon enough. But he is excited to dress up in his pumpkin outfit! He looks so cute! Alayna is wearing a pumpkin sleeper with a little orange hat with a stem. My two little pumpkins! So cute!! Probably the only Halloween I will be able to dress them alike! Kids are so fun!!!