Well! It has been so long since I have posted and so much has happened in the past month! Brian's parents came for a visit for a little over a week and we had so much fun! Daniel and Alayna had so much fun with them! They are so great at getting Daniel outside to play which is something I struggle with now that Alayna is here and Daniel has so much fun! We were able to celebrate Brian's birthday with my family and Brian's family. Brian wanted lamb, so I made my first leg of lamb. I was quite nervous, but it turned out pretty yummy! Daniel moved into his new room and his big boy bed which he loves. The room is bigger so that he can have a lot of his toys up there instead of all over downstairs. There's still a ton of toys downstairs though too! :-) Alayna's two bottom teeth pushed through. I wasn't as excited about seeing her teeth as I was when Daniel's first teeth came through though! My baby is getting so big! Speaking of big, she weighs 15 lbs now. She is still tiny for her age, (3rd %tile) but she is staying on that curve, so the doctor said everything is fine. She loves to eat her baby food. We are also giving her some table food. She likes bananas a lot! We have also given her a couple bites of veggie burger which she enjoyed too! Alayna also started crawling about two weeks ago! And she is also pulling herself up on tables, toys and chairs! Things are much more interesting now that she is crawling. She is now able to get into Daniel's toys, which he is not always too pleased with. He is getting so big and just gets sweeter every day!